Click Apply and OK to save the changes.If the security slider is set to High, you might want to lower it to a different value.

Open Internet Options and go to Security tab.Roblox won’t work on Google Chrome? Take a look at this detailed guide to make the problem disappear. In addition, make sure that your current browser is up to date. If the issue persists, you might want to consider running Roblox in a different browser. If you have clicked Do Nothing button by accident, and you’re not getting this message, you might have to reinstall Roblox on your computer. Check Remember my choice for all links of this type and click Launch Application. You should get a message box saying “External Protocol Request”.After the game has been installed, try to run it.Download Roblox and run its setup file.Some users have reported problems with Roblox and Chrome, and in order to fix that you need to make sure that Roblox is allowed to run. If you’re having trouble opening the Setting app, take a look at this article to solve the issue. After all the updates have been installed, try running Roblox again.On the left panel choose Windows Update and make sure that all updates have been downloaded and installed.Home › Gaming › Roblox › Fix Roblox Not Opening / Not Working on Windows 10