So I thought, “I’ll just watch the conclusion on YouTube and play the rest.” But once “just watch it on YouTube” became an option for Another Eden, the rest of my motivation dropped off as well. If it was a grindy game from the start, that would be understandable, but progress had been so smooth until then, I lost half of my motivation to continue. You didn’t need to grind too much for weapons or armor the occasional upgrade was okay. I actually liked that the gameplay was plain and not too challenging. I would be in real trouble if the stories were interesting, the music was great AND the gameplay was super-interesting, but no game is perfect. Speed is very important, but it’s not the end all and be all stat like it is in many such games. Hit-me-I-hit-you, as a friend of mine once described turn-based RPGs. Nice one, Another Eden! Now I know everyone who will join me in Persona 5!

The music especially reminds me of other high school RPGs like Tokyo Xanadu and the Persona games. I was enjoying the Western Mythos until the final boss, and I really like the atmosphere of the IDA School arcs. Turns out all the good stuff is in the side stories, many of which could be spun off as complete RPGs on their own. The main story is pointless, drawn-out and nonsensical in places, which is why I was really baffled by all the praise this game got for its writing. To summarize all I’ve said about Another Eden in the past, it’s a good JRPG disguised as a gacha game. Plus the power creep isn’t completely horrible (or more like I haven’t gotten very far into the game) so I won’t have to worry about being unable to compete at all when I return. This is actually a very good thing, because it makes the full game accessible to new players and old ones alike.

I could come back three years later and pick up right where I left off, so I don’t feel any urgency to jump back in again. It helps that because of the way Another Eden is structured, there’s very little permanently missable content. It’s unlikely that this will happen any time soon, though, because I don’t miss it very much right now. I already mentioned last month that I was going to delete Another Eden: The Cat beyond Time and Space from my phone and possibly pick up where I left off on Steam.